Dampcheck Plus (25 L): Advanced Damp-Proofing Fluid
Eliminate dampness efficiently and safely with Dampcheck Plus, a high-performance damp-proofing fluid ready to use straight out of the container. It’s designed to be injected into masonry to form a damp-proof course (DPC), providing a reliable barrier against moisture.
Key Features
- BBA Approved: Dampcheck Plus comes with the British Board of Agrément (BBA) approval, indicating high quality and performance.
- Silane Modified: The Silane modification ensures faster injection times and a more comprehensive treatment compared to standard DPC injection fluids.
- Low Odour & Non-Flammable: It doesn’t cause a lingering “solvent odour” and is non-flammable, contributing to a safer and more comfortable application environment.
- Convenient Application: It can be applied using an electric pump or by gravity feed (using funnels), providing flexibility in its usage.
- Ready for Use: No mixing is necessary before use, saving time and ensuring consistency.
- Multi-Component Formulation: This allows Dampcheck Plus to develop initial water-repellency quickly, while also promoting further diffusion to form a more evenly distributed damp-proof course.
While Dampcheck Plus is effective, you might also consider using No Hydro Damp Proofing Cream or Dryzone damp-proofing cream, which can be installed faster and with less mess. However, regardless of the damp-proofing method, remember to remove and replace any salt-contaminated plaster to fully address the damp issue.
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