Notices, Recalls, and Discontinued Products
Notice: Vandex Range - Availability Update
Please be advised that at this time, we can only supply the Vandex range in full pallet quantities per product. Additionally, due to current supply chain constraints, the estimated delivery time for these products is approximately 6-8 weeks.
We appreciate your understanding and recommend planning orders in advance to accommodate these lead times. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your specific requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact our team.
Discontinued Product: No More Rot Insecticide Ready To Use
No More Rot Insecticide Ready To Use is no longer available. Our alternatives, include Lignum Pro D156 and Lignum Pro I62.5 provide even better woodworm protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Wykabor Boron Rods
Wykabor Boron Rods are no longer available. Our alternatives, include Wykabor 40.1 and ProBor 50, provide even better woodworm, dry rot and wet rot protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: The Submarine Sump System
The Submarine Sump System is no longer available. Our alternatives, include Sentry Sump Systems, SumpFlo and DrainFlo, provide even better drainage protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Vandex CRS OS 95
Vandex CRS OS 95 is no longer available. Our alternatives, include Vandex Cemelast, provide even better elasticised waterproofing. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Deepwood 50
Deepwood 50 is no longer available. Our alternatives, include ProBor 50 and Wykabor 40.1, provide even better woodworm, dry rot and wet rot protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Deepwood 20
Deepwood 20 is no longer available. Our alternatives, include ProBor 20 and Wykabor 20.1, provide even better woodworm, dry rot and wet rot protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Deepwood 8
Deepwood 8 is no longer available. Our alternatives, include SoluGuard Woodworm Treatment provide even better woodworm protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Deepflow 11
Deepflow 11 is no longer available. Our alternatives, include ProBor 10 and Wykabor 10.1, provide even better woodworm, dry rot and wet rot protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: FMEC
FMEC is no longer available. Our alternatives, include Microtech Dual Purpose Concentrate, Microtech Biocide Concentrate, and Lignum Pro D156 provide even better dry rot protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Micron 8
Micron 8 is no longer available. Our alternatives, include Microtech Dual Purpose Concentrate and Lignum Pro D156 provide even better dry rot protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Drybase Plaster Membrane
Drybase Plaster Membrane is no longer available. Our alternatives, include Drybase Plaster Membrane Kit and Dampstop Mesh Membrane Kit provide even better damp proofing protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: CDM Industrial
CDM Industrial is no longer available. Our alternatives, include CM3 Cavity Drain Membrane and CM8 Cavity Drain Membrane provide even better waterproofing protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: CDM Clear
CDM Clear is no longer available. Our alternatives, include CM3 Cavity Drain Membrane and CM8 Cavity Drain Membrane provide even better waterproofing protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: SWS Salt Neutralisers
SWS Salt Neutralisers is no longer available. Our alternatives, include No Hydro Salt Inhibitor, Wykamol Salt Neutraliser and Renderguard Gold provide even better hygroscopic salts protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: SWS Fillet Seal
SWS Fillet Seal is no longer available. Our alternatives, include No Hydro Tanking Slurry, Drybase Tanking Slurry and HydraDry Tanking Slurry provide even better fillet protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: SWS Tanking Slurry
SWS Tanking Slurry is no longer available. Our alternatives, include No Hydro Tanking Slurry, Drybase Tanking Slurry and HydraDry Tanking Slurry provide even better tanking protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Drybase Vapour Membrane
Drybase Vapour Membrane is no longer available. Our alternatives, include No Hydro Liquid Applied Damp Proof Membrane, Drybase Liquid Applied DPM and Technoseal DPM Damp Proof Paint provide even better liquid waterproofing protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Raindance Waterseal
Raindance Waterseal is no longer available. Our alternatives, include No Hydro Masonry Protection Cream and Stormdry Masonry Protection Cream provide even better masonry waterproofing protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Raindance Waterseal
Raincheck Plus is no longer available. Our alternatives, include No Hydro Masonry Protection Cream and Stormdry Masonry Protection Cream provide even better masonry waterproofing protection. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Safeguard Injection Mortar
Safeguard Injection Mortar is no longer available. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Microflow Damp Proofing Fluid Concentrate
Microflow Damp Proofing Fluid Concentrate is no longer available. Our alternatives, include Microtech Pressure Injection Fluid and Dampcheck Plus (25 L) provide even better liquid damp proof courses. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Microsilan Water Based Injection Fluid
Microsilan Water Based Injection Fluid is no longer available. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.
Discontinued Product: Dampcheck 40 Damp-Proofing Cream
Dampcheck 40 Damp-Proofing Cream is no longer available. Our alternatives, include No Hydro Damp Proof Cream DPC and Dryzone Damp Proofing Cream provide even better rising damp treatment. We appreciate your support and are here to help you find the right product.